Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Better is One Day In Your House - Mike T.

The words of a worship song, "Better is One Day In Your House, than Thousands Elsewhere" come to mind as I read this little excerpt from a Discourse of Delight in Prayer by Stephen Charnock. I will share more from this wonderful work in future posts. I can not say anything that will add to this... Do we find delight in prayer itself.

A Christian’s heart is in secret ravished into heaven. There is a delight in coming near God, and warming the soul by the fire of his love.
The angels are cheerful in the act of praise; their work is their glory. A holy soul doth so delight in this duty, that if there were no command to engage him, no promise to encourage him, he would be stepping into God’s courts. He thinks it not a good day that passeth without some intercourse with God. David would have taken up his lodgings in the courts of God, and regards it as the only blessedness, Psalm 65:4. And so great a delight he had in being in God’s presence, that he envies the birds the happiness of building their nests near his tabernacle. A delight there is in the holiness of prayer; a natural man under some troubles may delight in God’s comforting and easing presence, but not in his sanctifying presence. He may delight to pray to God as a store-house to supply his wants, but not as a refiner’s fire to purge away his dross. “Prayer, as praise, is a melody to God in the heart,” Eph. 5:19. And the soul loves to be fingering the instrument and touching the strings.

If you want to find the whole work go to Fire and Ice at PuritanSermons.Com.

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