Some churches have begun to turn to technology as they try to reach out to today's youth. Now the congregation is not asked to turn off or put on vibrate their cell phones but rather to take them out and tweet comments to a screen behind the Pastor during the service. I am not opposed to modern technology and its use to spread the Gospel, but have we gone too far?
The Houston Chronicle reported that Woodlands Church in Houston, TX has begun to integrate twitter with the Sunday service. The Chronicle reports "The nondenominational church recently started a new service encouraging parishioners to tweet their thoughts, reflections and questions in 140 characters or less via Twitter, the popular microblogging social network.
Using the real-time messaging tool in church is gaining some steam nationwide and in Houston as some pastors look to make church more interactive, draw in new faces and appeal to younger demographics. Some see it as a diversion, but others — especially in contemporary services — are bringing smart phones to the pews and tweeting away." See http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/metropolitan/6662287.html for the whole article.
While they are at it why don't they ask the congregation to cast their votes now for the sermon topic or do a poll to find the meaning of the sermon text? Perhaps the worship songs could be changed to "Here I am to tweet you, here I am to serve you, here I am to show you are my God?" What ever happened to just good old fashioned preaching the Word of God under the annointing of the Holy Spirit? In our effort to accomodate new demographics we have forgotten what the church is actually supposed to be doing. Church leaders need to get rid of the books with terminology like demographics and read their Bibles instead. What are your thoughts on this? Check out Woodland's tweet site http://twitter.com/woodlandschurch to see what it is all about.
The Houston Chronicle reported that Woodlands Church in Houston, TX has begun to integrate twitter with the Sunday service. The Chronicle reports "The nondenominational church recently started a new service encouraging parishioners to tweet their thoughts, reflections and questions in 140 characters or less via Twitter, the popular microblogging social network.
Using the real-time messaging tool in church is gaining some steam nationwide and in Houston as some pastors look to make church more interactive, draw in new faces and appeal to younger demographics. Some see it as a diversion, but others — especially in contemporary services — are bringing smart phones to the pews and tweeting away." See http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/metropolitan/6662287.html for the whole article.
While they are at it why don't they ask the congregation to cast their votes now for the sermon topic or do a poll to find the meaning of the sermon text? Perhaps the worship songs could be changed to "Here I am to tweet you, here I am to serve you, here I am to show you are my God?" What ever happened to just good old fashioned preaching the Word of God under the annointing of the Holy Spirit? In our effort to accomodate new demographics we have forgotten what the church is actually supposed to be doing. Church leaders need to get rid of the books with terminology like demographics and read their Bibles instead. What are your thoughts on this? Check out Woodland's tweet site http://twitter.com/woodlandschurch to see what it is all about.